
Clyro C.I.W. Primary School

Many hands build a house, many hearts build a school

Class 2 / Dosbarth 2

Welcome to Class 2 / Dosbarth 2!




Croeso i Ddosbarth 2


Welcome to Class 2 – (Yr. 2 and 3). Our class teacher is Miss Morgan from Monday - Wednesday and Mrs. Groves, Headteacher, on a Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Groves also teaches in our class on a Monday afternoon when Miss Morgan has non-contact time. Mrs. Bouette is our Learning Support Assistant. 


Our topic this Autumn Term 2024 is "Rights and Responsibilities" and our 'Big Question' is "What happens when rights are taken away?" . 


Please remember to bring in your P.E. kit to school every Thursday and leave it in your lockers for our P.E. sessions with Mrs. Groves. We love doing Forest School on a Friday morning so please come dressed in appropriate Forest School clothes each Friday, based on the weather.


Reading - Please can children bring in their reading books every day so that we can listen to them read whenever possible. Please continue to support your child with their reading at home.  


Spellings - spellings will be given out and tested fortnightly. The spelling tests will be on Thursday mornings. Mrs. Carlisle organises our spellings and runs different spelling groups. 


Homework - Maths homework will be given out once a week; times tables practice will be a regular homework task. If you have any questions relating to maths methods taught in class, etc. please speak to us. There will also be a task related to the half-termly topic. Homework is not compulsory, however support received at home is invaluable in helping children to consolidate skills taught in class and helping them to progress. 


Please also remember that you need to bring a water bottle to school every day, as well as a healthy snack for breaktime, and that all pupils need a pair of “indoor” shoes to wear inside the school. Please check schoop and if you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 



We have an open door policy, if you have any questions, always grab Miss Morgan or Mrs. Groves in the morning, after school or ring the office to arrange a chat. 

Anti-bullying week 2024
