
Clyro C.I.W. Primary School

Many hands build a house, many hearts build a school

Class 1 / Dosbarth 1 - Miss Griffiths

heart Welcome to Class 1 / Dosbarth 1 

Welcome to Class 1. 


We are Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 this year. 


We are taught by Miss Griffiths (Deputy Headteacher) and our Learning Support Assistant is Miss BT. Mr Haines takes us when Miss Griffiths has her PPA. 


Our topic this half term is 'Evolve and Experience' and our focus is on animals (living and non living things). We are looking at lifecycles, adaptations and habitats and what living things need in order to survive. 


We have had a trip to the Small Breeds Farm in Kington this half term and also are looking forward to a Bee Keeper class visit. 


If any parents wish to come in and contribute to our topic, please give us a ring or see Miss Griffiths. 


Reading: Children have individual reading days

Spelling: Every Wednesday

Words Files: Every Friday

PE and Swimming: Wednesday


Jolly Classroom, Hwb, Oxford Reading Buddy and Mathletics passwords and usernames are in children's reading records. 


Project homework: Sent home half termly. Please try and contribute to our class display for the children. 


Water bottles and snacks are needed daily. 


Remember indoor shoes and to label all belongings including snack pots and drinks bottles. 


Diolch :)

Making Solar Ovens and Cooking Smores

Strawberry picking and ice cream visit

A visit from a Bee Keeper- We had so much fun!

Grounds Day- Linking to our topic

Living things- Our detailed drawings of the Honey Bee

Small Breeds Farm Kington Trip to launch our new topic

Last Terms Welsh Heritage Competition

Catherine Barr
