
Clyro C.I.W. Primary School

Many hands build a house, many hearts build a school

Class 1 / Dosbarth 1 - Miss Griffiths

heart Welcome to Class 1 / Dosbarth 1 


Croeso i Ddosbarth 1 


We are Class 1, this year, we are made up of Reception, Year 1 and 2, and are a wonderful group of learners who have lots of fun. 


Miss Griffiths (Deputy Headteacher) is our class teacher and Miss Burnett-Thomas is our Learning Support Assistant.


Our Summer Term 2024 topic is: “Evolve and Experience". 


Here is some useful class information:



PE is on a Wednesday morning with Mr. Haines, so all children can come to school wearing their PE kits on Wednesdays.  


Reading Days:

Book bags should be brought to school on your child's given reading day, if you are unsure of when this is, please ask. 



Every Tuesday Miss B-T will carry out spelling or sound work, please ensure that you have this file every Tuesday, diolch!


Drinks and snacks:

We ask that children bring their own healthy snack to school each day for break time and a filled water bottle.



Please ensure that you are signed up to our Teams page where you can access useful information, reminders and resources. 



Please ensure that all children have a pair of “indoor” shoes to be worn inside school.

We have an open door policy, if you have any questions, always grab Miss Griffiths in the morning, after school or ring the office to arrange a chat. 

Homework is set weekly for maths and learning logs are also sent home half termly. 
