Many hands build a house, many hearts build a school
Our school Vision and Values
Nurture – values; supported; confidence; resilience; empathy; health; wellbeing; positive relationships;
Wonder – apply skills and knowledge; independence; innovation; confidence; respect needs and rights; risk takers; team player; have fun; life long experiences;
Thrive – face challenges; sustainability of planet; think creatively; solve problems; responsibility; prepared for life;
Our vision and values at Clyro Church in Wales Primary School are at the core of everything that we do.
Our values underpin our teaching and learning, our daily school life and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy, resilient and healthy citizens who are ready, safe and respectful, prepared for future life.
Our school vision is based on the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales, which we want all of our pupils to develop during their time with us.
At Clyro Church in Wales Primary School, we want our learners to be:
• Ambitious, capable learners;
• Enterprising, creative contributors;
• Ethical, informed citizens;
• Healthy, confident individuals.
Our vision at Clyro Church in Wales Primary School is to foster in each individual child a love of learning by nurturing and developing curiosity, awe and wonder. We aim to expand pupils’ horizons by providing creative, inspiring and challenging experiences and opportunities which allow our children to thrive, leaving us as confident, capable and well-rounded citizens, equipped for the future.