
Clyro C.I.W. Primary School

Many hands build a house, many hearts build a school

Eco Schools Committee


We are a Green Flag school and once again achieved this for a third time in July 2022!



We have an Eco Committee which is made up of class representatives from every class in school. We meet with Miss Morgan to look at our school and how we can improve our school environment.


Eco Code


Caring for our environment.

Loving our school.

You are as important as anything else.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Our world is important.

Action Plan 2022/23: coming soon!



To reduce the amount of litter being dropped.



To reduce the amount of paper being used.



To reduce the amount of electricity used.



To reduce the amount of water used.



To learn about where food comes from and food miles.


School Grounds

To improve access to the school pond.


Global Citizenship

To find out more about Fair Trade.


Healthy Living

To grow and eat our own vegetables.


To link Eco Schools and Healthy Schools Targets together.


To bring healthy snacks into school.

Useful Websites
