
Clyro C.I.W. Primary School

Many hands build a house, many hearts build a school

School Videos

Clyro Church in Wales Primary School's multi-faith day

Please see our latest video of our multi-faith day at Clyro Church in Wales Primary School on Thursday 16th March 2023

Please enjoy watching our staff video message from lockdown!! 

Clyro Church in Wales Primary School - Message to Pupils

A Proud Pirates’ Sea Shanty song. “Soon will the dreaded day come when our teacher’s job will be dead and gone, our classes cut 4, 3, 2, 1… To this we all shout NO!”

Big Draw 2020 – Please have a little watch to see what pupils in Clyro got up to this year for Big Draw’s ‘Climate of Change’ topic!

Big Draw - Clyro Church in Wales Primary School 2020

As a cluster, we have all worked extremely hard in providing exciting and engaging work for our pupils to complete whilst out of school during these unprecedented times. Have a look at our CLUSTER VIDEO showcasing what our pupils have been up to –
